Monday, December 24, 2007

Faraway Family

During my stay in Istanbul, Zikri has been a kind host to me and he and his family have adopted me while I'm here. Zikri's younger daughter Gökçen and her husband Hüssein are in the first picture. Zikri's wife Aynur who has made me dozens of yummy home-cooked meals and desserts is in the middle picture. And the newest addition to Zikri's family is his 2+-year-old grandson Orhun in the bottom picture.

Thank you, Zikri, Aynur, Gökçen, Hüssein, and Orhun for your friendship, help, and hospitality!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

orhun is cute! (ive got babies on the brain, aaaaaack. or should i say ive got babies on the hormones)