Friday, March 21, 2008

Turk Tags

Fun fact: each Turkish license plate starts with two numbers that indicates the plate's province of origin. I heard recently that the numbers are assigned in order from an alphabetically ordered list of the Turkish provinces, but this only seems to be mostly true (see link below). 34 (top picture) stands for Istanbul. 06 (second picture) stands for Turkey's capital Ankara. My tour guide Metin joked that, as bad as Istanbul drivers are, Ankara drivers are notorious among Turks for making up their own traffic rules -- so, when Turks see a plate starting with 06, they give that car a wide berth.

The third picture's plate starts with 55; I didn't know that but it's evidently the code for Samsun, a province in north central Turkey on the Black Sea coast.

For more information, here's a resource on Turkish license plates
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1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hey Gregg!

I've been thinking of you and how much I miss working with you! You always made everything so much easier.

Anyway, I don't really know how else to get a hold of you except to leave you a comment.

And don't worry, I don't have some on fire project I need to throw at you. I just wanted to say hi. :-)